Speaker: Lesta Sue Hardee, Self-Taught Local Artist and Author Ralph Jones, long standing Club Member, introduced our speaker Lesta Sue Hardee, a lifelong resident of the Myrtle Beach area, talented artist, and author. She was with the Chapin Memorial Library for over 30 years where she served as the archivist, cataloguer, and database manager. She […]
Speaker: Samantha Huff, Regional Representative of Multiplying Good Brooke Vu, Club President, introduced our speaker Samantha Huff of Multiplying Good. Multiplying Good was formerly known as the Jefferson Awards Foundation. For 50 years, they have honored those who put others first because they acknowledge the power and importance of recognition. Those receiving Jefferson Awards are empowered […]
Speaker: Dr. Bryan Fields, Volunteer and Discipleship Coordinator, Meals on Wheels Porter Medley, a long-standing Club Member, introduced our speaker Dr. Bryan Fields, a pastor and former hospice chaplain who is now utilizing his professional and spiritual leadership skills to coordinate the activities of over 200 volunteers to help feed 300+ clients in need and […]
Speaker: Ryan Meyer, Director of Development, Chanticleer Athletic Foundation, CCU Porter Medley, a long-standing Club Member, introduced our speaker Ryan Meyer, a Director of the Chanticleer Athletic Foundation of Coastal Carolina University. Ryan moved to South Carolina in 2017 to obtain a Masters in Sports Management from CCU. He then worked for the City of […]
Speakers: Frank and Brittany Hynson, Missionaries Serving in Costa Rica Scott Burleson, Club Social Chair, introduced our special speakers Frank and Brittany Hynson who are missionaries now serving in Costa Rica working through a local branch of CoLaborers International. CoLaborers International is a US 501c3 nonprofit assisting international indigenous-led community organizations in poverty-stricken communities in […]
Speaker: Safeer Ahmad, Cultural Ambassador of Pakistan Dr. Darla Domke-Damonte, fellow Carolina Forest Sunrise Rotarian, introduced our speaker Safeer Ahmad, Cultural Ambassador of Pakistan in the United States, and a student of Peace and Conflict Studies at Coastal Carolina University. Safeer’s mission is to build a cultural bridge between Pakistan and the US. Safeer Ahmad […]
Speaker: Michael Hesbach, Red Cross Executive Director Michael Moss, Club President-Elect, introduced our speaker Michael Hesbach, Executive Director of the American Red Cross for the Eastern SC Chapter and fellow Rotarian. Previously, for 19 years, Michael was involved with the Boy Scouts of America serving in many positions including CEO. He has a BS degree […]
Speaker: Dr. Charles Evans, Conductor & Music Director, Long Bay Symphony Michael Moss, Club President-Elect, introduced our speaker Dr. Charles Evans. For more than 26 years, Dr. Evans has established an impressive standard of excellence for both the Long Bay Symphony and the Long Bay Youth Symphony. Bringing a wealth of musical experience to the […]
Speaker: Paula Matthews, PDG, District 7770 Foundation Chair Brooke Vu, Club President, introduced our speaker Paula Matthews, Past District Governor. Paula is a member of the Rotary Club of Spring Valley, Columbia, SC. She currently serves as the Rotary District 7770 Rotary Foundation Chair. The Rotary Foundation continues to far exceed the standards set by […]
Speaker: Rick Olsen, President/Founder, Best Future Center (U.S.) Brooke Vu, Club President, introduced our speaker Rick Olsen who talked about improving education and access to water/sanitation in Ugandan refugee settlements. Rick is a fellow Rotarian living in Minnesota. He is a member of Prior Lake Rotary Club which is actively involved in his refugee fundraising […]