They’re officially official! Congrats to our new Interactors from the Scholars Academy on Coastal Carolina University’s campus! On October 16th, we inducted 29 new Interact Club members into their high school’s program. Our President, Terry Egan, was there to welcome them into the organization alongside our Service Chair, Dr. Darla Domke-Damonte, members of the Rotaract Club […]
The guest at our October 9th meeting was Sara Naushad who is a UGRAD scholar from Pakistan. She is spending the fall semester at Coastal Carolina University through a US State Dept sponsored grant. Sara’s studying Nutritional Sciences, and she also has an internship at Conway Medical Center for the fall learning about food safety […]
Rotarians Ralph Jones, Lauren Zudchlag, Scott Burleson, and Michael Moss represented the Carolina Forest Sunrise Rotary Club at Ocean Bay Elementary School. Each third grade student and teacher was presented with their own dictionaries! Each dictionary has the Four Way Test inside; student’s can learn a new word and the four pillars of Rotary! This […]
At this morning’s club assembly, members of interact, rotaract, rotary, and district governor all joined in fellowship and exchanged ideas. Thank you Rotary District 7770 Governor Johnny Moore for sharing what it means to be a Rotarian, the true vision or rotary, and the upcoming district events and service projects. Pictured is the Carolina Forest Sunrise […]
Smart Snacks has officially begun for this school year! At 6:45 Friday morning, members of the Carolina Forest Sunrise Rotary and Coastal Carolina University Rotaracters joined together to pack two hundred and ten weekend meals for the students of food-insecure families of Waccamaw Elementary School. Volunteers form a human assembly line and can manage packing all the food before […]
Mark Eckel, long-time sportswriter covering for the Philadelphia Eagles, was guest speaker Wednesday morning. Eckel joked about the early hour and thought the meeting was at 7 PM, when he first was invited to speak. He covered 11 Superbowls and 4 Stanley Cup Finals in his extensive career that ended in 2017. Eckel currently has a […]
It’s official! You can now sign-up for the Carolina Forest Rotary Krispy Kreme Dash. The event will take place Saturday, November 2, 2019 at 8:00am at Krispy Kreme Doughnuts (101 Rodeo Drive Myrtle Beach, SC 29579). To register, visit: Race Options: Competitor Casual Runner/Walker Virtual Runner Competitor participants run/walk 1.5 miles, receive a dozen […]
Over the weekend, members of the Carolina Forest Rotary Club and Rotaract Club of Coastal Carolina University took part in a road-side clean up along Carolina Forest Boulevard, from Hwy 501 to Carolina Forest Elementary. The volunteers gathered at the Famous Toastery and each recieved an orange workvest, gloves, and trash bags. Three large bags […]
Karen Riordan, CEO of the Myrtle Beach Chamber of Commerce (MBCC) was our speaker on Wednesday, August 28th. She has a long career in marketing and originally hails from Boston. For the last 15 years, Riordan has served as the Williamsburg, Virginia Chamber executive. At Wednesday’s meeting, she noted that there are over 2800 businesses in […]
The new fiscal year for Carolina Forest Rotary commenced in July of 2018. New officers were inducted on July 2nd and are as follows: President, Kimberly Causey-Gomez President Elect, Terry Egan Past President & Co-Treasurer, Elizabeth Howland Nathan Ellis, Co-Treasurer James Steadman, Secretary Tim Reudy, Sergeant at Arms The torch for Club President past […]