Dr. Atiya Stokes-Brown, Vice President of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion

Dr. Atiya Stokes-Brown, Vice President of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion   For the initial week of the new Rotary year, we welcomed Dr. Atiya Stokes-Brown, Vice President of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion at Coastal Carolina University.  Dr. Stokes-Brown spoke about the reality of racism in America.  She noted that this civil protest is different as […]

Johnny Moore, 2019-2020 District Governor

2019-2020 District Governor Johnny Moore   The club was joined in person by District Governor Johnny Moore.  DG Johnny presented the District Public Image award for 2019-2020 in the form of a plaque, accepted by Carolina Forest Rotary Club (CFRC) member Brooke Vu and CFRC President TJ Egan. The club is also in the running […]

George Buss, President Abraham Lincoln Interpreter

Our guest speaker Wednesday was George Buss of Freeport, Illinois. Buss has spent years portraying President Abraham Lincoln.  He resembles Lincoln in height, weight and facial hair.  Buss was also our very own TJ Egan’s high school teacher!     “President Lincoln” filled our program with various historical elements about wrestling with the issue of slavery.  […]

Online Speaker Sarah Sponcil, 2021 USA Olympic Team Hopeful

Our Wednesday, May 27th meeting was very well attended with visiting Rotarians and volleyball enthusiasts.  Carolina Forest Rotary President-elect Lauren Zuschlag introduced guest speaker Sarah Sponcil, a national champion beach volleyball player. We had the coach of CCU volleyball at the meeting and some of the team’s players.   Sarah is originally from Phoenix, Arizona and […]

Online Speaker Walter Hughes

The Carolina Forest Rotary Club began the meeting by honoring our Coastal Carolina graduate, Lucia Zats.  We also had a quick visit with Kim Causey-Gomez, Past President calling in from the Virgin Islands.  President Terry noted that the Club had received the District Award for “Public Image”, for the second year in a row!! Our […]