New Officers Inducted

Centenarian and Rotarian Member, Dr. Carl Records, received a special proclamation from the State of South Carolina

The new fiscal year for Carolina Forest Rotary commenced in July of 2018.  New officers were inducted on July 2nd and are as follows:

President, Kimberly Causey-Gomez
President Elect, Terry Egan
Past President & Co-Treasurer, Elizabeth Howland
Nathan Ellis, Co-Treasurer
James Steadman, Secretary
Tim Reudy, Sergeant at Arms

The torch for Club President past from Elizabeth Howland to Kimberly Gomez. Porter Medley of Coastal Carolina University received well-earned accolades as Rotarian of The Year. Club Sargent at Arms,Tim Reudy, presented a State of South Carolina Proclamation recognizing 100 year old club member, Dr. Carl Records. A special thank you to SC State Representative Tim McGinnis, who facilitated this special honor.

Brooke Vu