Our guest speaker Wednesday was George Buss of Freeport, Illinois. Buss has spent years portraying President Abraham Lincoln. He resembles Lincoln in height, weight and facial hair. Buss was also our very own TJ Egan’s high school teacher! “President Lincoln” filled our program with various historical elements about wrestling with the issue of slavery. […]
Wednesday, June 3rd, was our first hybrid meeting with about half of the sixteen attendees and one guest, Jessica Dumas meeting at Legends Golf Resort and the other half on the ZOOM screen. Our speaker was Diana Greene, Chief of Administration for the Myrtle Beach Chamber of Commerce. Diana is also the Director of Leadership Grand […]
Our Wednesday, May 27th meeting was very well attended with visiting Rotarians and volleyball enthusiasts. Carolina Forest Rotary President-elect Lauren Zuschlag introduced guest speaker Sarah Sponcil, a national champion beach volleyball player. We had the coach of CCU volleyball at the meeting and some of the team’s players. Sarah is originally from Phoenix, Arizona and […]
The Carolina Forest Rotary Club began the meeting by honoring our Coastal Carolina graduate, Lucia Zats. We also had a quick visit with Kim Causey-Gomez, Past President calling in from the Virgin Islands. President Terry noted that the Club had received the District Award for “Public Image”, for the second year in a row!! Our […]
Brandon Oates and Lakeya joined us from Shepherd’s Table in Conway, SC. The Carolina Forest Rotary Club has been regularly involved with Shepherd’s Table over the last few years, helping to serve an evening meal or two a month. Shepherd’s Table is a soup kitchen in Conway that is supported by a number of churches […]
Our guest speaker today was Sean Mazur, Executive Director of Community Kitchen of Myrtle Beach. Since the COVID-19 restrictions of March 16th, Community Kitchen has moved to an entire “TO GO” food program. They were seating 200 people for breakfast and lunch. Now CKMB has seen an uptick of about 10-15% for their breakfast […]
The full moon was setting as we began our Carolina Forest Rotary Club (CFRC) meeting. We had nineteen in attendance, including Carlos calling in for the first time to a ZOOM meeting. We were bolstered by two guests (Cathy and Wendy) from the Reedy River Rotary Club (near Greenville, SC) and former Carolina Forest Rotarian […]
It was a dark and stormy night when we began our second ZOOM Rotary meeting. But the sun rose and then there was “enlightenment” from our guest speaker, Dr. Jennifer Cilino-Folks. Jennifer was “ZOOMING” in from Galena, Illinois in the Northwest corner of that state. She is a clinical psychologist with a husband in law […]
The Rotary Club of Carolina Forest Sunrise met before sunrise on March 18th, via ZOOM video conferencing. Twelve members were in attendance in addition to District 7770 Governor Johnny Moore. District Governor Johnny Moore commended the club on increased membership, successful service projects, over 5400 meals served toward the “Million Meals” project, and CART fund donations. […]
Christine Mitchell, Executive Director of the Carolina Honduras Health Foundation (CHHF) was guest speaker Wednesday. CHHF is an organization based in Barnwell, SC and founded by Dr. Henry Gibson in the 1980s. They send sixteen – nineteen mission teams a year to Limon, Honduras to support two health clinics, twenty-four shelter beds, and community outreach […]